March 2: Sr. Ann Astell, “Hallowed History: Willa Cather’s Death Comes for the Archbishop.” Join via Zoom at 7:30 p.m. Professor Astell will discuss the living sacrifice of the title character against the background of this novel’s treatment of time, moral obligation, brotherhood, hagiography, and eschatology. A professor of theology at the University of Notre Dame and a former Purdue professor of English, she has authored six books and was editor or co-editor of seven volumes. Most recently, Professor Astell completed a book-length study of saints’ lives and the Bible.
March 22: Dr. Tania Checci Gonzales, “Migrating Images and Ritual Effects: A Mimetic Take on Aby Warburg.”
April 7: Dr. Martha Reineke, “‘An Endless Amatory Flirtation:’ Jewish Influences on the Theology of Teresa of Avila.”
April 22: Fr. Thomas McDermott, O.P., “St. Catherine of Sienna: Doctor of the Catholic Church/Doctor of Friendship.”