Our faith journey is filled with infinite opportunities to learn about ourselves and the Church. St. Tom's clergy and staff have selected some online resources to share with you. These are just a few of the many we hope to bring to you as references for your faith formation. If you have a particular topic that you'd like to learn more about and need a reference, please email [email protected].
As we approach the beginning of the Christmas season, there is one aspect of our faith that takes center stage, and that is the Hypostatic Union. This fancy phrase refers to the dogma that Jesus Christ is a single person who is both fully divine and fully human. As we move closer towards Christmas day, when the God of the universe became fully human, take some time to study and reflect on this great mystery of our faith with the following resources.
This St. Tom's web page contains the Weekend Homilies and a Discussion Study Guide. Learn more.
Learn more about your faith. As a St Tom’s parishioner, you have free, instant access to thousands of movies, programs, and audiobooks on spiritual formation through FORMED. To sign up, search for "St Thomas Aquinas 535 West State St. West Lafayette IN" on the FORMED website. Learn More