How I got involved at St. Tom’s: Early in my freshman year I was invited to play Intramural soccer by Caleb Moster. I saw the lively community outside the walls of the church and was drawn more deeply to what was inside! I made some friends by showing up to Ignite, playing PCS intramurals, and at Sunday Night Dinner and POOF! I was involved.
Favorite Bible Verse: “No… I am your father” ….ohh wait… Matthew 18:3 “Amen, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven”
Bio: Who am I? That’s a great question.
Alternate bio in case you want a real one: Born and raised in good old Indiana. I have a strong passion for everything this is corn. Some of my hobbies include corn shucking, corn roasting, and corn bobbing(like apple bobbing but better). My favorite foods are corn bread, corn on the cob, corn dip, canned corn, corn flakes, corn chips, corn tortillas, pop corn, and corn fritters. I like dad jokes but some people think they’re corny. But in all seriousness, If you ever would like to chat about anything I’ll be all ears.