Uniting in Heart is a shared commitment across the entire Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana (DOL) to be one in the heart of Jesus Christ and to embrace His call for us to be His disciples. In union with the living universal Church, we, as a Diocese, do His work under the three pillars of Mission, Community, and Witness. A healthy spiritual renewal must address one or more of these essential pillars for our walk with Christ.
All DOL pastorates are undergoing a renewal process to ensure what parishioners want and need and, just as importantly, what the Church expects from its parishes. Based on an assessment of our parish, insights from a general and a more targeted survey, and group feedback at an open all-parish meeting, our efforts within the pillars of the Uniting in Heart Diocesan plan will:
give our parishioners* opportunities to encounter Christ (Mission pillar )
create an environment of hospitality (Community )
model the example of Christ to others (Witness)
Note: This direction is not at the expense of current ministries but the means to become a more cohesive and stronger faith community that emulates Christ’s love for all.
*All references to “parishioners” within the plan are inclusive of St. Tom’s student-parishioners and resident-parishioners. All “teams” named and referenced in bold type throughout this document will be structured with a lead, a pastoral council liaison, and a staff liaison.
St. Thomas Aquinas serves as the Catholic Center at Purdue University. Our parish engages the youthful energy of all its members to nurture their faith journey across all generations through liturgy, spiritual and intellectual formation, stewardship, and justice with peace. We joyfully welcome all who wish to meet life’s challenges through lived faith in Jesus Christ.
St. Thomas Aquinas is a vibrant and diverse community of student and resident parishioners. We are welcoming to all, a beacon of peace and God’s love, and a model of Jesus Christ to the local community at Purdue University, the Greater Lafayette area, and the world. We value spiritual and intellectual formation and act to be a source of church leadership.
In order to respond to God's call to Mission, Community, and Witness, WE WILL...
Create viable avenues of faith formation, helping all parishioners to respond to the Holy Spirit by becoming disciples of Jesus Christ and live their life of discipleship more deeply.
[A disciple is defined as an individual who has a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, intentional and lived amid the Mystical Body of Christ, the Church.]
DEVELOP A PASTORATE CULTURE OF EVANGELIZATION & PROMOTE COMMITTED DISCIPLESHIP IN RESPONSE TO THE SPIRIT THROUGH ADULT FORMATION by engaging parishioners in all stages of faith development in evangelization and faith formation programs.
FOSTER AWARENESS OF THE LITURGY AS THE SOURCE AND SUMMIT of our faith by promoting full, conscious, and active participation in the Mass that appropriately reflects the demographics of our university parish.
STRENGTHEN FAMILIES AS THE FIRST COMMUNITIES OF LOVE AND LIFE through catechetical offerings that present the Catholic vision of the human person.
LEARN ABOUT A TEAM: St. Tom’s will establish the above-mentioned Formation Leadership and Liturgy Advisory teams to achieve the goals of the Mission pillar. To learn more about these staff/clergy/parishioner teams and be considered for membership, click on the "Pastorate Teams- Descriptions" and "APPLY" tabs on this page.
It starts with YOU!
"He called the twelve together and gave them power and authority over all the demons, and the power to heal diseases. And He sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to perform healing. " Luke 9:1-2
Create structures within the parish to support inclusion and a sense of welcoming and belonging, especially for under-represented groups.
DEVELOP EFFECTIVE PASTORATE COMMUNICATION PRACTICES that help parishioners feel connected to the St. Tom’s community and grow in their faith.
FACILITATE PASTORATE VITALITY AND VIBRANCY primarily through small Christian groups where parishioners can feel supported and valued by our larger faith community.
STRENGTHEN OUR OUTREACH TO PURDUE AND SURROUNDING COMMUNITIES through excellent communication, invitation, and hospitality. Special emphasis will be placed on engaging and drawing in new and returning parishioners, especially from underrepresented groups at the parish.
LEARN ABOUT A TEAM: St. Tom’s will establish the above-mentioned St. Tom’s Ambassadors and Ignite Small Christian Groups teams as a means to achieve the goals of the UiH Community pillar. To learn more about these staff/clergy/parishioner teams and to be considered for membership, click on the "Pastorate Teams- Descriptions" and "APPLY" tabs on this page.
It starts with YOU!
"Now I say this: the one who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the one who sows generously will also reap generously. Each one must do just as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
Inspire our parishioners to desire an encounter with Christ and model His example to others by offering our time, talent, and treasure.
IDENTIFY MISSION ADVANCEMENT LEADERSHIP by re-establishing a development program that includes a Director of Development, Development Team, and Development Council to provide mission advancement among St. Tom's alumni and friends within and beyond the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana.
IMPROVE DISCIPLESHIP AND WITNESS THROUGH WORKS OF MERCY within our local community and beyond through the education and action of all parishioners.
LEARN ABOUT A TEAM: St. Tom’s will establish the above-mentioned Justice with Peace (JwP) team to set forth activities in the UiH Witness pillar. Following the appointment of a Director of Development, a Development Team and Development Council will be established to support parish Advancement initiatives. To learn more about these teams, click on the "Pastorate Teams- Descriptions" and "Apply" tabs on this page.
It starts with YOU!
As disciples of Jesus Christ, we are not meant to keep our love for him to ourselves. On the contrary, we are called to “go …and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit” (Mt 28:19).
Formation | Ambassadors | Ignite Small Groups (Students) |
Maryclaire Cooke (S), co-chair | Matt Chilcote (S) | Matt Chilcote (S) |
Jesse Crist (S) | Lynne Corrigan (R) | AnnMarie Hemmerling (S) |
Colleen Duffy (R) | Julie Cox (R) | Fiona Gillen (S) |
Andrea Gregory-Kreps (R) | Abby Curl (R), co-chair | Birgit Kaufman (S) |
Annah Kalb (S) | Georgana Finn (R) | Molly Long (R), co-chair |
Brandie Oliver (S) | Mary Gertsmeier (R) | Michelle Merta (R) |
Julie Krogmeier (R), co-chair | AnnMarie Hemmerling (S) | Adam Moster (S) |
Henry Silva (S) | Colleen O'Toole (S), co-chair | Cassie Simmons (S) |
Kim Skiba (R) | Rob Pahl (R) | Pietro Stroik (S), co-chair |
John Strong* | Mike Piggott (R) | Jim Vahle, co-chair |
Carol Plomin (R) | Tianlu (S) & Diane Wu (R) | |
Liturgy Advisory | Zach Schreiber (S) | Dee Bernhardt* |
Jenny Bay (R) | Lena Tennant (S) | Fr. Ben Keller, OP* |
Jason Chamness (S), co-chair | Monica Waters (R) | John Strong* |
MT Ford (S) | Molly Welch (S) | |
Isabel Gonzalez Aponte (S) | Dcn. Dan Finn* | Development |
Annie Schap (R) | Vince Drnevich (R), co-chair | |
Christina Schmidt (R), co-chair | Tim House (R) | |
Duane Sellers (R) | Justice with Peace | Greg Kapp (R) |
Fr. Tom McDermott* | Teresa Cecil (R) | Mary MacDonald (R) |
Liz Droege (R), co-chair | Emily Lowe (S/alum), co-chair | |
John Ginda (R) | Lindsey Prommer (R) | |
Alice Hession (R) | Candy Silver (R) | |
Asterisk (*) Staff/Clergy Liaison to the Team | Allen Langdon (S), co-chair | Marisa Salvino* |
(R) Resident Parishioner | Jane Sellers (R) | |
(S) Student Parishioner | Mary King* | |
Formation Leadership Team: Will address the formation of disciples in Adult Faith Formation, Life, and Campus Ministry so that all parishioners can grow as missionary disciples.
Liturgy Advisory Team: Will provide insight and recommendations to the missionary pastor on liturgy, art, environment, and music so that the diversity of religious practice among our parishioners can be honored and respected.
St. Tom's Ambassadors Team: Will develop pew resources, establish practices, and provide opportunities for personal interaction that help move individuals from 'welcome' to 'belonging. '
Ignite Small Christian Groups Team: Will gather and train parishioners who are willing to integrate new parishioners, helping establish and grow small faith-sharing groups.
Development Team & Development Council: Will maintain a robust cycle of giving and financial support for the parish.
Justice with Peace (JwP) Team: Will create a “culture of ministry,” which encourages the participation of all parishioners in mission trips, social events, outreach to the local community, and other short-term opportunities.
Father of Mercy, through the gift of your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, and the power of the Holy Spirit, you promise to make all things new. Open our hearts and minds during this time of diocesan and parish renewal, and endow us with your gifts …
Show us the way…
Let us pray: Help us all to respond to our baptismal grace to make disciples of all people. Help us, O Lord, to learn, love, and live Christ’s mission so we can hand on your gifts to future generations. Send out your Spirit and renew your Church.
Uniting in Heart, and through the intercession of our Blessed Mother Mary, St. Joseph, the Apostles, and the Saints, we ask you to hear our prayer and grant us your graces through Jesus Christ our Lord.
St. Tom's Pastoral Plan and all of the plans for the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana are available on the Diocese website.