Nominations for the next set of Boiler Catholic Officers is open! Nominations for President, VP, Treasurer, and Secretary roles will be accepted until Tuesday, Feb. 4 (at 11:59 p.m.). Please prayerfully consider who you feel would serve the Boiler Catholics community in this way.
As we approach the 75th anniversary of St. Tom's in 2026, it is time for us to reflect, celebrate, and ensure that St. Tom’s is well-positioned to continue its mission as the Catholic Center on the Purdue campus:
-- engaging the youthful energy of all its members and nurturing their faith journey across all generations through liturgy, spiritual and intellectual formation, stewardship,
and justice with peace.
Click the headline to read more!
All are welcome! Come celebrate the birth of our Lord and Savior with the St. Tom's community on Tuesday, Dec. 24, and Wednesday, Dec. 25. For more information, including times, click on the story heading.
Purdue Winterization is the single largest day of service for Purdue Students. Join St. Thom's Hands and Feet of Christ ministry in the initiative that helps older residents in the greater Lafayette/Tippecanoe Country with outdoor chores in preparation for the winter season. Sign up today!
Parish Engagement and Stewardship Assistant: St. Tom's seeks a driven, talented, and dynamic individual to welcome and engage parishioners, visitors, and vendors. This person runs the parish's day-to-day aspects and assists the Office Manager, Pastor, and all staff members with clerical and database needs, especially for the sacraments. The person also maintains a welcoming, organized, and caring parish office environment. Apply on the Diocese of Lafayette website.
Early election voting has started. We encourage all parishioners, especially those struggling with their decision, to read “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.” St. Tom’s has ordered copies to hand out, which should be here soon. In the meantime, visit the Catholic Teaching Resources page for a download and links to more information.
The Men of St. Tom’s will sell Outdoor Nativity sets after Mass in the Gather Space and online between September 15 and October 6. The cost is $110 a set. Orders are scheduled to arrive in time for the Christmas season. Proceeds from sales will support the Men of St. Tom’s service projects for the parish.
Due to the Dominicans’ Provincial Assembly in Chicago, there will be no daily Mass or Confessions from Tuesday, Aug. 6, to Thursday, Aug. 8. Instead, Dcn. Dan will lead a Communion Service at the regularly scheduled 11:30 a.m. Daily Mass time on these days.
Progress comes with its pangs. Purdue has started construction on the expansion of the Mitch Daniels School of Management. To accommodate construction activity, fewer parking spots are available in the gravel parking lot next to St. Tom's for construction vehicles. For complete information about parking at St. Tom's, visit the Parking Information page.
Greetings to our St. Tom's Community, I am now free to share the good news about St. Tom's new pastor and parochial vicar. Fr. Andrew (Andy) McAlpin, OP, is your new pastor, and Fr. Dennis Woerter, OP, is our newest parochial vicar, effective July 1. I know Fr. Andy and Fr. Dennis well, having lived with each of them at different times, and very much enjoyed their company. Although you can Google more about them, below is a bit about each of them.
As friars in the Dominican Order, we profess the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience in our solemn profession. However, only one of these is explicitly mentioned: the vow of obedience. Obedience is incredibly freeing, although it can also be difficult to live out at times. Regardless, our call is to follow the example of our Blessed Mother, who trusted that whatever we are called to, the Lord will provide. He will bring a greater good out of whatever He leads us to and draw all involved to a deeper relationship with Him.
If you use electronic giving (Faith Direct) and no longer wish to receive Sunday Collection Envelopes, please click the headline to access a form to cancel your order. Thank you!
Join us in dreaming! Thanks to the generosity of nearly 100 donors, St. Tom's has reached more than half of its $150,000 fundraising goal to create a space that promotes growth, inclusivity, and a sense of belonging. Click the heading to learn more!
St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center is more than a campus church; it’s a sanctuary for all who wish to meet life’s challenges through lived faith in Jesus Christ. With your support this Wednesday, March 6, we can ensure that St. Tom’s continues to be a welcoming and guiding light for both current and future generations of Boilermakers. Let’s come together to celebrate and support the enduring legacy of St. Tom’s.
Holiday Schedule Changes: NO evening Mass from 12/18 to 12/22 NO evening Mass or Confessions from 12/26 to 1/5 (except for Saturday Vigil Mass). NO Sunday Night Dinner until 1/7. The Parish Office is closed from 12/25 to 1/1 and will reopen on 1/2.
Fr. Timothy Radcliffe, former global master of the Dominican order who recently led a 3-day retreat at the request of Pope Francis for participants in the Global Synod, recently shared insights from his newest book, Questioning God? and about the Global Synod during this December 7, 2023 event at St. Tom's. Click on this news brief for the URL to view it.
The 10th National Eucharistic Congress will be in our backyard this July! The event will feature Mass, Adoration, a great variety of speakers and options for breakout sessions, and fellowship with 80,000 fellow Catholics! Tickets are $299 if purchased through St. Tom's or $375 individually. Food and lodging/transportation are not included, though we can help facilitate a Lafayette-area carpool if desired. If you wish to go, please fill out the form at no later than 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, Oct.
Due to a Diocesan All-Priests retreat, St. Tom's weekday Confession and Mass Schedule has been altered for Monday to Friday, Oct. 2 to 6. The regular schedule resumes on Saturday, Oct. 7. Read more.
Whether you were born into Catholicism or discovered it on your own, one founding principle of the Catholic Church is central to our faith — the Real Presence of Christ---which means that during Mass, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus Christ. As Catholics, we believe that the Eucharist is 'the source and summit of the Christian life.' In the midst of the National Eucharistic Revival, a Planning Team of resident and student parishioners has been diligently working to set up a series of faith formation activities to help us explore the Eucharist and better understand it while deepening our personal faith and our sense of community. Read more.
We, The Men of St. Tom’s, will be introducing the promised follow-up blog to the "No Regrets 2" workshop this past summer. We envision that as the development of this blog progresses, we will be able to either provide answers for you or get you to a source for finding the information needed for your questions.