A recent change in Purdue's email security settings is sending St. Tom's electronic communications, including our Flocknote emails, to the Junk folder of our parishioners using their 'purdue.edu' email account. To continue receiving our messages, be sure to check your Junk folder and add '[email protected]' to your contacts.
A gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) supports the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana in many ways, including seminarian support, clergy support, local Catholic schools, college ministries (like St. Tom's), Hispanic ministry, and much more. As of July, we have not fulfilled our 2023 pledge goal of $138,230, and only 68 percent of the pledges made have been paid (compared to 93 percent paid in 2022 at this same time). If you haven't had a chance to pledge yet or would like to make a payment, please visit the CMA Website.
Spurred by a 2019 Pew Research study that suggests only one-third of U.S. Catholics believe the Church's teaching that the Eucharist is truly the body and blood of Christ, the National Eucharistic Revival was launched. Read more
St. Tom's is seeking an individual who enjoys building relationships, is strategically driven, and is passionate about their faith and about the mission of St. Tom's to serve as its Director of Development.
To safeguard parking spaces for St. Tom’s resident parishioners and guests on weekdays between 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the following changes to our parking policy went into effect on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Read more.