Confession is offered Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 11:25 a.m., and on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. until the start of the Fall Semester (August 22)
If you can assist with a meal during the month of June for families who are participating in Lafayette Urban Ministry's Family Promise program, click the news heading to access the signup link.
Each Monday afternoon at 12:15 p.m., one parishioner cooks (carryout is an option!) and delivers a meal to the priests' home for them to enjoy. The arrangement offers our priests some time for fellowship and good food without the stress of preparing the meal.
The latest Boiler Catholics t-shirts are in stock and available to purchase at the Parish Office for $5 each. Adult sizes Small to 2XL are available while supplies last. Proceeds from all sales benefit Boiler Catholics.
St. Tom’s plan for HOW we grow as a faith community over the next three years is being guided by six Pastorate Planning Teams (PPT). Over the summer, each PPT will share more about the actions behind our pastorate plan framework, and by fall, you will begin to experience them. Read the first report prepared by the Justice with Peace Planning Team.