During the month of May, St. Tom's will offer nine Masses for our mothers, living and deceased. To submit names of the mothers and mother figures in your life, pick up the special envelopes available in the pews and next to the collection box to the right of the Altar in the Sanctuary. Donations are welcome, but not required for your intentions.
Recognizing that each person connects with the liturgy differently, the Liturgy Advisory Team has developed a survey to understand how you best engage with the liturgy at St. Toms. To assist respondents, the survey includes paragraphs from Church documents on what the liturgy is and what, at its heart, it is supposed to reveal and accomplish. Read more and take the survey.
Celebrate St. Tom's newest members of the Catholic Church by providing desserts (cookies, brownies, pie, etc.) for the Easter Vigil Reception on Saturday, April 16. Drop dessert items off on the cart outside the Parish Office. If you'd like to assist with the setup for the reception, email [email protected].