Watch this brief message from our Boiler Catholic officers, who share with you a bit about St. Tom's and how to get involved.
If you are coming to campus for a visit and would like to talk with a student at St. Tom's, click the scheduling button below.
Schedule a Visit to St. Tom's
Register to Join St. Tom's
Boiler UP !!
St. Thomas Aquinas serves as the Catholic center at Purdue University. We joyfully welcome all who wish to meet life's challenges through lived faith in Jesus Christ.
We hope that you find your place here at St. Toms. To help you get started, below are the Mass and Confession times during the fall and spring semesters: Also, use the tabs to learn more about our parish, register to join St. Toms, and receive notifications about programs and activities that might interest you or contact [email protected]
St. Tom's offers Confession on Mondays to Saturdays from 11:00 to 11:25 a.m. and from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m., on Sundays at 10:15 a.m. or by appointment by contacting the Church Office, (765) 743-4652.
To get acquainted with Boiler Catholic students, attend St. Tom's Sunday Night Dinners during the fall and spring semesters and New Student Overnighter in September. Here's a bit more information on these two activities. Questions? Contact [email protected]
What can you get for $3? St. Tom’s Sunday Night Dinner offers you a delicious homecooked meal and fellowship you can’t beat. Bring your friends, and then stick around after dinner for 7:00 p.m. Mass.
Details: Dinner is served in Newman Hall (basement level) at 5:30 p.m. on Sunday evenings during the fall and spring semesters. The cost is only $3. The best deal at Purdue!
New Student Overnighter
New Student Overnighter (NSO) welcomes all incoming freshmen and transfer students who are looking to get involved in the St. Thomas Aquinas community. The main goal of NSO is to learn about all the great ministries that St. Tom’s has to offer while meeting a great group of new friends. Learn more about and register for NSO.
We hope that you find your place here at St. Toms. Registering at St. Tom's does not cancel your registration at your home church with your family.
Registering as a St. Toms student parishioner" is the best way to learn about all of the programs and opportunities to become more closely
connected to your faith, meet others who share your beliefs, and support others in need.
If you are not currently a member of the Catholic faith and are interested in learning more, please reach out to James McLean, our director of evangelization, at [email protected] and visit our Order of Christian Intiation of Adults (OCIA) page.
Click this button to register!
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Flocknote is the primary communication method for St. Toms communications. It allows you to view the different parish groups and, more importantly, allows you to choose which groups you would like to receive information from. You can choose how to receive these via e-mail, SMS, Facebook, or Twitter.
Follow the link below, and sign up to receive notes from Purdue Catholic Students.
Join St. Toms Flocknote:
St. Tomss has a presence on Facebook, Instagram, andYouTube. Subscribe and like our accounts to receive fun content about St. Tom's activities, ministries, and people. (Note: The social media algorithms don't always show up in your feeds, so be sure to sign up for Flocknote too.)
Now that you have registered, consider the next steps in your spiritual journey while at Purdue. St. Tom's offers many opportunities to grow your faith, expand your friendships, serve others, and learn more about the Catholic faith.
The time goes fast in college! Visit the "current student parishioner page to get started now!
And be sure to attend our New Parishioner Welcome Reception!
Questions? Contact [email protected]
St. Thomas Aquinas (affectionately known as St. Tom’s) is the University Parish here at Purdue. As a University Parish, St. Tom’s has a special mission to evangelize Catholic students, faculty, and staff and spread the love of Christ in the University community. As a parish, St. Tom’s has a stable worshiping community and celebrates all of the sacraments year-round, even when Purdue is not in session. Boiler Catholics is the registered student organization for Catholic students at Purdue, and we make our home at St. Tom’s, striving to promote an active Catholic lifestyle while at school
This is our ANNUAL fall semester opening to welcome all new students to St. Tom's and all old students back! It is an all-weekend event during the first weekend after classes start. Come for as much or as little as you would like. Yard games on Friday, dinner, and a band on Saturday, and learn more about St. Tom's and everything they provide on Sunday!
All you ladies out there, young ladies who attend Purdue meet up every Thursday at St. Tom's to strive toward authentic femininity together and to grow in faith. Women in any stage of faith gather together to foster strong friendships and a strong relationship with God.
Boiler Catholic Officers