Below is a "quick link" list of St. Tom's 75-plus ministries and activities, which are designed to help us grow in our own personal relationship with Jesus Christ and our faith community. Note: Ministries with a hyperlink have an informational page on
Ministry | Description | Membership: Resident, Student Parishioners | Contact | Communication Method |
Adoration | Volunteers sign up for an hour a week to be in the presence of the Eucharist during Adoration (M/T/Th/Fri from noon to 5:30 p.m. and Wed from 5:30 to 8:00 p.m.) when Purdue classes are in session. All are welcome to drop in and attend any of the Adoration times. | Both | Ryan Hunt | GroupMe |
Ambassador Team | A team of student and resident parishioners who help establish practices and provide opportunities for parishioners to feel connected to the parish community | Both | Dcn Dan Finn | |
Angel Corps | A ministry of parishioners with diverse talents willing to serve as parish needs arise. Needs can be random, but their support is vital to the success of St. Tom's mission and ministries. Needs are communicated on a special Flocknote distribution. To become a member, sign up for Angel Corps Flocknotes. | Both | James McLean | Flocknote |
Aquinas Educational Foundation | AEF brings noted speakers to the Purdue campus to share their insights on theological topics. All are welcome to attend the presentations. | Both | Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP | |
Art & Environment Ministry | Members assist with environmental art in the sanctuary for the various liturgical seasons. | Both | Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP | |
Boiler Awakening Retreat | Purdue students, both staff and participate in this once-a-semester weekend retreat attended by 150-plus. | Students | Dee Bernhardt | BA webpage |
Boiler Catholics | Boiler Catholics is a registered Purdue student organization for Purdue's Catholic students. Its officers and ministries reside at St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Center. (St. Tom's) | Students | Dee Bernhardt | Flocknote GroupMe |
Boiler Catholics Everybody | A once-a-month meeting with a presenter on topics relevant to those of the Catholic faith, and especially college students. | Students/All are welcome to attend | Dee Bernhardt | |
Boiler Catholic Greeks | This includes men and women members of Purdue Greek Life who gather to share their faith and support one another. | Students | Dee Bernhardt | GroupMe |
Boiler Catholic Men | Boiler Catholic Men is a brotherhood rooted in faith. We strive for physical, spiritual, intellectual, and psychological perfection, with Christ as our model. | Students | Br. Jacob Mazur-Batistoni, OP | GroupMe |
Boiler Catholic Racing | Boiler Catholics Racing is an extracurricular team run by Boiler Catholics that uses skills learned in the classroom and applies them to real-life mechanics and motorsport. This team collectively builds, assesses, develops, and improves a racing kart to compete in the annual Purdue Grand Prix | Students | Fr. Steve Kuhlmann, OP | GroupMe |
Boiler Catholic Socials | Boiler Catholic Socials is a ministry that hosts and promotes social and faith-based events in the Boiler Catholic community. They offer many events with various focuses to fill the needs of all students in our community. | Students | Fr. Peter Lewitzke, OP | |
Boiler Catholic Sports | Boiler Catholic Sports is a group where brothers and sisters in Christ can come together to enjoy fellowship through athletics. We welcome people of all backgrounds and abilities | Students | Br. Jacob Mazur-Batistoni, OP | GroupMe |
Boiler Catholic Women | BCW is a group meeting weekly to discuss topics related to being a Catholic woman in our society, learn about our faith, pray together, have fun, and grow in our relationship with Christ and one another. | Students | Grace Anne Beeler | GroupMe |
Boilermakers for Life | This non-denominational Purdue student organization is focused on pro-life activism, education, dialogue, and support for parents who are students on campus. | Students | Keely Bayley | GroupMe |
Catholic Young Adults | A fellowship group for graduate students and young working professionals. | Both (Graduate Students) | Jeffrey Kuhn Adriana Deptula Julianna Frenette | Flocknote GroupMe CYAWhatsapp |
Chant Choir | Explore chant-style liturgical music. | Students | Peter Welz | GroupMe |
Child Care Ministry | Volunteers who offer babysitting to St. Tom's parents during parish events | Residents | Georgana Finn | |
Church Mice | Students living in the Church apartments (on the second floor), who clean, set up, and are generally handy, work in exchange for free housing/parking here. | Students | Ryan Hunt | |
Circle of Catholic Women | Open to all women parishioners, this group meets monthly for prayer, support, and discussion. | Residents | Kathy Batz | |
Coffee and Donuts | After 9:00 a.m, Sunday Mass, Donuts and Coffee offers students and families a chance to share donuts and catch up. | Both | Judy Pfledderer | |
Companions of Mercy | This ministry offers prayer to deceased members of the community who have no one to pray for them. A Flocknote is sent out to those who have signed up, and they rally at the Funeral Home to pray a Chaplet for the soul of the person. | Both | Fr. Steve Kuhlmann, OP | Flocknote |
Covenant Eyes | This is an organization that helps provide accountability for students struggling with pornography and masturbation. One of our priests generally signs students up for this. | Students | ||
Development Committee | Volunteers who offer advisement to the parish on fund-raising activities. | Both | Andrea Kreps | |
Dining Disciples | Dining Disciples is an opportunity for parishioners to gather in homes monthly to share a meal and discuss a topic of faith. | Residents | Dcn Dan Finn | |
Discernment - Men's and Women's | Groups that meet to help individuals discern a call to religious life and/or priesthood. | Students | Dee Bernhardt | |
Dominican Laity | Lay Dominicans are a third-order organization of lay people who embrace a Dominican theology and lifestyle. | Residents | Julie Krogmeier | |
ESTEEM (Enlivening Students to Embrace the Ecclesial Mission) | The Leadership Roundtable runs this program through the Catholic Center at Yale University. Its members are mostly Purdue Seniors (or those close to graduating) who are known leaders and good representations of St Tom's, and we believe they will go out and continue to practice their faith in impactful ways. | Students | Dee Bernhardt | |
Exalt | Eucharistic adoration with praise and worship music | Students | Fr. Peter Lewitze, OP | GroupMe |
Facilities Committee | Resident parishioner volunteers who offer care and planning for our facilities. | Residents | Ryan Hunt | |
Faith and Monday Matters | Faith and Money Matters is a 6-week program that teaches practical financial discipleship through a Catholic lens. | Both | Dcn. Dan Finn | |
Faith Formation Leadership Team | Parishioner members who offer advisement on faith formation activities. | Both | James McLean | |
Faith Formation Interns | Purdue student interns who assist in the OCIA and Ministry to the Baptized program. | Students | James McLean | |
Family Promise | This is an ecumenical program through Lafayette Urban Ministries in which we host homeless families, providing meals and companionship three weeks per year. | Both | Sharon Graves | |
Finance Committee | Parishioners who advise the pastor on the finances of the parish. | Both | Ryan Hunt | |
Funeral Food Committee | Provide a meal for families following the funeral liturgy. Sign up through the ministry Flocknote to be notified when there is a need. | Residents | Barb Strausburger | Flocknote |
Grief Support Group | A group for parishioners experiencing the loss of someone close to them who plan get-togethers for mutual support. | Both | Lou Kendall | |
Haiti Ministry | A standing committee in the parish oversees our Haiti sister parish activities. Each month, St. Tom's as a community provides a second collection to assist our sister parish Francis Xavier, in Baudin, Haiti. St. Tom's annual participation in Lafayette Urban Ministry's Hunger Hike also benefits the Haiti sister parish. | Both | Duane Sellers | |
Hands and Feet of Christ | Primarily student parishioners who work on active service initiatives within our local community. | Students | Fr. Peter Lewitze, OP | GroupMe |
Health Cabinet | Parish nurse in communication with Catholic Charities | Residents | Barb Strausburger | |
Hispanic Catholics | A student community-building ministry that includes a weekly Ignite group for any Spanish-speaking individual or anyone who wishes to speak Spanish. | Students | Fr. Peter Lewitze, OP | |
Hospitality - Ushers & Greeters | Help with the "beyond the scenes" logistics of weekend Mass as an usher or welcome attendees as a greeter. | Both | Ryan Hunt | |
Ignite Small Group Bible Study | Ignite groups are small faith-sharing groups which meet weekly on and off campus. Using the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel, discussion and reflection on Scripture applied to daily living. | Students | Fr. Dennis Woerter, OP | GroupMe |
Indonesian Catholics (indoCats) | A group of international students from two distinct areas of Indonesia. The group typically meets socially once a week and hosts an Indonesian Mass yearly. | Students | Dee Bernhardt | |
Intercessory Prayer | Prayer group for parish intentions | Both | James McLean | Flocknote |
Jubilee Christmas | Administered by Lafayette Urban Ministry, St. Tom's hosts about 40 families with financial challenges each Christmas holiday, providing them with gifts for their children and family gifts. | Both | Karissa Raderstorf | |
Justice with Peace Planning Team | This group of parishioners works to create a “culture of ministry,” encouraging the participation of all parishioners in mission trips, social events, outreach to the local community, and other short-term opportunities. | Both | Fr. Peter Lewitkze, OP | |
Knights of Columbus | College Council of the KofC 15144. This group engages student and resident parishioners. | Both | Fr. Steve Kuhlmann, OP | |
Ladies Mass | The group meets once a month - beginning with mass and then a potluck dinner - a guest speaker usually follows. Previous speakers have included authors, clergy, coaches, professors, and even state legislators. This is a wonderful opportunity for women of the parish to get to know one another. | Residents | Mary Gertsmeier | Flocknote |
Lafayette Transitional Housing Center | Providing for the needs of this homeless shelter in Lafayette | Both | Teresa Cecil | |
Legion of Mary | Devotion to Mary, Mother of God | Both | Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP | |
LifeGuides | LifeGuides are a team of resident parishioners, college students, and confirmed high school students committed to assisting the St. Tom’s parish youth. | Both | Carolyn McKinnis | GroupMe |
Liturgy Advisory Team | Studies liturgical traditions, makes recommendations for Sunday liturgies, and advises the Pastor | Both | Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP | |
Liturgical Ministers | Volunteers who participate in the Mass as readers, sacristans, altar servers, and Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHCs). | Both | Ryan Hunt | |
Liturgy Advisory Team | Provides insight and recommendations to the missionary pastor on liturgy, art, environment, and music so that our parishioners' diversity of religious practice can be honored and respected. | Both | Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP | |
Liturgy Interns | Two interns support the Liturgical Ministry at St. Tom's | Students | Ryan Hunt | |
Marketing Interns | Reporting to our communications director, our marketing interns support promoting ministry activities. | Students | Mary King | |
Meet International Students | A group of parishioners (mostly student parishioners) hosts dinners featuring cuisines from around the world, with presentations by students of varying cultures. | Students | Fr. Dennis Woerter, OP | |
Men of St. Tom's (MoST) | Resident parishioners' men's group | Residents | Vince Drnevich | Flocknote |
Mentoring At-Risk Kids (MARK) | A group of Boiler Catholic students who travel to Lafayette Urban Ministries on weekdays to help tutor children at ist after school program. | Students | Fr. Steve Kuhlmann, OP | GroupMe |
Mission Trips | St. Tom's staff coordinates service trips over fall, winter, and (mostly) spring breaks. | Both (primarily students) | Dee Bernhardt | |
Morning Prayer | Parishioners gather online for weekday morning prayer via a link on the parish calendar | Both | Dcn Dan Finn | |
Music Ministry | Under the guidance of our music coordinator, several singing and instrumental groups are formed to serve the various weekend Masses, including youth and Schola choirs. | Both | Dr. Brad Bodine | |
OCIA - Joining the Catholic Church | OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults), formerly called the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA), is the process by which one becomes a full member of the Roman Catholic Church. | All | James McLean | |
OutCats - Outdoor Catholics | The Outdoor Catholics Club (OutCats) at St. Tom's is a vibrant student ministry that fosters personal growth and community through a love of the outdoors. | Students | Fr Peter Lewitzke, OP | GroupMe |
Parish Pastorate Council | A group of student and resident parishioners invited by the Pastor to serve who represent the varied interests of the parish and provide advisement to the Pastor. | Both | Fr. Andy McAlpin, OP, Pastor | |
Racial Equality & Justice | A parish-wide committee to address inclusion, racial equality, and justice was established n in 2020. | Both | Zelda Flye Lou Kendall | |
Religious Education | The religious education (pre-k to high school) courses at St. Tom's are taught by a blend of qualified resident parishioners and student parishioners catechists who have completed the Diocesan-required Protocol Training and continual catechetical ABLAZE formation. All classes are offered hybrid (in-person, at home) or at home and meet on Sunday mornings from 10:10 to 11:10 a.m. | Both | Carolyn McKinnis | |
Religious Education Interns | These 6 interns are responsible for recruiting LifeGuides, for supporting LifeGuides in the classroom, providing resources to LifeGuides, monitoring lesson plans and overall objectives of religious education. | Students | Carolyn McKinnis | |
Saint Dymphna Mental Health | A group seeking to support the mental health needs of fellow students through a practical and faith-centered approach | Students | Grace Anne Beeler | Interest Form |
Schoenstatt Apostolic Movement | A Catholic lay movement focusing on Mary | Both | Rosemary Speaker | |
Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius | This group goes through spiritual exercises with group meetings, individual prayer, and one-on-ones. | Grad Students/Residents | Dee Bernhardt | |
Spiritual Restorative Yoga | Meets monthly (typically the first Monday of the month) at 5:30 p.m. Open to men and women. Bring a mat and a $5 donation. | Both | Patty Bartolone | |
Spring Discipleship Training | This 11-week training, which utilizes Evangelical Catholics' Reach More program, is for resident and student parishioners who would like to lead small faith-sharing groups. | Both | Dee Bernhardt | |
Theology on Tap | Theology on Tap offers adults (21 and older) an opportunity to come together for good times, good speakers, and good beer. We typically meet once a month at Harry’s Chocolate Shop in West Lafayette, on Purdue's campus. | Both | James McLean | |
Thomas Aquinas Apologetics Club | This is a student apologetics group that aims to defend and explain the Catholic faith so that it can be lived more deeply. TAAC invites all to attend the group's weekly meeting with their questions. | Students | James McLean | GroupMe |
Thomistic Institute | Part of Boiler Catholics. An outreach of the Eastern Dominican Province to bring theological speakers and book studies to campuses across the United States. This group brings three speakers each semester to campus: One at St. Tom's, and two on campus. | Students/All are welcome to presentations. | Dee Bernhardt | GroupMe |
Unity | Campus Outreach Group | Students | Erin Klingenberger | GroupMe |
Vacation Bible Camp | Offered the first full week of June, Vacation Bible Camp takes place Monday to Friday morning and concludes with daily Mass at 11:30am. | Residents' Children | Carolyn McKinnis | |
Youth /HS Ministry | This is a growing program. Youth in grades 6-12 are invited to get to know other youth and have fun, explore topics of their Faith, and engage in service projects. | Residents' Children | Carolyn McKinnis | |