Established over 25 years ago, Ladies Mass is open to all women of St. Tom's. After being on hiatus for several years, the group is back and stronger than ever! The group meets once a month - beginning with mass and then a potluck dinner - a guest speaker usually follows. Previous speakers have included authors, clergy, coaches, professors, and even state legislators. This is a wonderful opportunity for women of the parish to get to know one another.
For more information, contact Mary Gertsmeier at [email protected]
To receive ongoing communications about Ladies Mass, sign up for the Ladies Mass Flocknotes.
Monday, Jan. 22 and Feb. 19, Thursday, March 14, and Monday, April 8 and May 6 in Room 3 from 6:00 to 6:50 p.m.
Men and women are welcome. This class is prayer with core strengthening, stretching, and functional movements to nourish your body and soul. Sessions will be led by Amy Strasburger. Bring your mat and a $5 donation!
For questions, email Patty Bartolone.
The First Ladies Mass for spring will be Monday, Feb. 5. Attend the 530 p.m. Mass, then join us for dinner in the upstairs room at Harry's Chocolate Shop.
Ladies Mass will meet after 5:30 p.m. Mass for a potluck dinner and a talk by Tony Trent, father of former Purdue student Tyler Trent, who heroically fought cancer and brought nationwide attention to his courageous battle. The March 4 event is open to the entire parish.
Ladies Mass begins after 5:30 p.m. with a potluck dinner.
We need Monday Lunch cooks for the priests! Please contact Monica Waters if you want to prepare a meal or deliver one from a restaurant.