In honor of Dr. Brad Bodine's 30 years at St. Tom's, a Music Ministry Reunion is slated for Saturday, July 19. It will be a fun and celebratory night with dinner catered by Arnis and an Open Mic. All alumni are welcome to join the current music ministers in song at 9:00 and 11:15 a.m. Masses on Sunday, July 20.
All are welcome to join a parish reception in celebration of the Dominican friars 25th anniversary at St. Tom's on Sunday, Nov. 16, following the 9:00 a.m. Mass in Newman Hall.
Save the Date! Join us for an evening of great food and fellowship as we celebrate St. Tom's 75th Anniversary on the campus of Purdue University with an eloquent and momentous evening. Details to be announced soon!
All are invited to celebrate St. Tom's Founder's Day on this 75th Jubilee Anniversary! Join us for a reception in Newman Hall (downstairs) immediately after the 9:00 a.m. Mass.