Led virtually by Deacon Dan Finn and his wife Georgana (and others) from 7:30 to 7:45 a.m. Monday through Friday.
Morning Prayer takes about 15 minutes and includes Psalms, a Reading, Gospel Canticle, Intercessory Prayers, and a Concluding Prayer.
No experience is required. Participants follow along with the free online app IBreviary, Proterra Sancta, to participate.
Morning Prayer is a great way to start your day, and Evening Prayer and/or Night Prayer is a great way to end the day. It is part of the Liturgy of the Hours. Priests and Deacons pray “The Hours” multiple times each day. All believers are encouraged to pray “The Hours.”
Hosted by St. Tom’s, parishioners from the Greater Lafayette area have participated in Morning Prayer since spring 2020.
If you want to join us for Virtual Morning Prayer, visit St. Tom’s calendar, select the day, and then click on the "Morning Prayer link within the calendar entry.
If you have any challenges connecting or want additional information, contact Dcn. Dan Finn at [email protected].
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