Removing the bushes on the Marstellar Street side between the stairs and the alley and building a small retaining wall there too. This is the next phase in the overall church landscape project, with plans to plant the bushes, etc. In the same space during a fall workday.
Cleaning and reorganization of the closet behind the Newman Hall stage. Any groups with items in this closet (i.e., Art & Environment Committee, Funeral Committee, RE, MoST, etc.) should arrange for a representative to label items to keep in advance of the workday and/or be on-site for the cleaning to ensure needed items are kept. Note: Anything not tagged may be discarded or donated to Millies.
General housekeeping items, such as washing the pews and windows.
(Optional) If there are enough helpers, we may send a group out to the Rectory to clean up the yard ( sticks, etc.)
To ensure adequate supplies and food for all volunteers, we encourage you to sign up in advance: