To all the men of St. Tom’s: Now is the time to register for the MoSt (Men of St. Tom’s) Men’s retreat. The retreat will be held Friday evening, Feb 9, to Sunday morning, Feb 11, at the St Joseph Retreat and Conference Center in Tipton. Online registration with cost information can be accessed here: Car-pooling from West
Lafayette will be arranged for those interested. If cost is an issue, scholarships are available; simply contact Leo Plomin ([email protected]) or one of the MoST officers ([email protected])
Prayer will be the main theme of the retreat. Prayer is how we communicate with God, and better understand His desires for us. Sessions will be devoted to the various forms of prayer. There will be ample opportunity to spend time in individual prayer, group prayer, and group discussion. Fellowship opportunities at the retreat will include watching the Purdue – IU men’s basketball game for those interested. If you have not attended such a retreat in the past and would like more information about the retreat, feel free to contact Leo or one of the MoST officers. A short introductory session will be made available to those who would like to get a better idea of what to expect of the weekend.
For questions or to get on an information mailing list, contact [email protected].