Purdue Professor Emeritus and St. Tom's parishioner Don Mitchell is the featured Aquinas Educational Foundation speaker on Tuesday, Sept. 26, starting at 7:00 p.m. in the Church. His presentation is titled "From Buddhism to Catholicism: My Journey to Interreligious Dialogue."
About Professor Emeritus Donald W. Mitchell: In college, Prof. Mitchell became a Buddhist and joined a Zen Buddhist community while pursuing his doctorate degree in Asian and Comparative Philosophy at the University of Hawai'i. During his tenure at Purdue, teaching for the Philosophy Department, he converted to Catholicism. While on his first sabbatical, Prof. Mitchell studied spirituality at the Jesuit School of Theology and traveled to Italy to live spirituality. Attendance at the first East-West Buddhist-Christian Dialogue Conference later led to his participation in Buddhist-Christian dialogues in Asia and the United States. During his second sabbatical in Italy, the Vatican asked Professor Mitchell to lead their new dialogues with Buddhists, which he continued until his retirement in 2017.
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