St. Tom’s exists to serve the spiritual needs of our campus community, including its resident parishioners. We seek to provide a safe, welcoming environment and ample and varied opportunities for all of our parishioners to encounter Christ so that we can serve as an example of Christ to others.
Our spiritual growth comes from a variety of activities -- prayer and worship, study, service, and developing friendships with others in our faith community and beyond. The tabs below provide suggest ways to deepen your faith (and that of your family if you have children). Note that they are suggestions and not a formula to your personal journey.
If you'd like to learn more about a ministry, feel free to reach out to one of the contacts listed on the ministry pages. And be sure to stay abreast of opportunities for you and your family by signing up for Flocknotes, visiting St. Tom's website, and reading the weekly Bulletin.
St. Tom's acknowledges that worship touches God's followers through various expressions, so in addition to daily and weekend Mass our faith community offers a number prayer and ministry opportunities, including:
St. Tom's provides many opportunities to study our faith through courses, lectures, and bible study programs, such as
Note: This list isn't exhaustive of the opportunities, so be sure to review the "Study" tab on our website, get signed up for our Flocknotes (parish emails), and consult the bulletin often.
Being in the presence of other believers can be inspirational, especially if you have a personal relationship with them. St. Tom's provides the chance to get to know your community better through many events and ministries, such as
Individuals are at the heart of St. Tom's mission and ministries. Giving of your time, talent and treasure are essential to our parish and to its ministries that touch individuals across our county, state, national and international borders. The needs of St. Tom's ministry work are great, so time and talent can be easily shared if you find the void.
Visit our "Giving" Page to learn about ways to give and about St. Tom's greatest ministerial needs at this time.
And visit the "Service" tab on our website to learn more about and join one or more of the 12+ service ministries at St. Tom's.