Each year, we choose a group of graduating students who are likely to become actively engaged in their parish as lay leaders to participate in our ESTEEM program. ESTEEM is a national outreach of the National (Catholic) Leadership Roundtable on Church Management. The students are offered eight sessions between October and March to help them be more successful as active laity. Each student will need a mentor to discuss life as a lay Catholic between sessions. We are looking for married or single, working or stay-at-home, engaged and involved resident parishioners. Might this be you?
This year’s students are studying: Film/Video Studies (1); Health Sciences – Pre PA, OT/ Kinesiology (7); Agricultural Engineering/Food Science/Hospitality & Tourism (4); Construction, Mechanical, MET, Robotics (4); Neurobiology, BioChem (3); Pharmacy (2); AAE – Space (1); Actuarial Science (1)
Please email [email protected] to find out more, if you are interested!