In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus shares with us the fundamental means to become his follower -- “love one another.” (John 13:34). The simple act of loving empowers us to introduce Him to others and is the means to righteousness, justice, and peace.
It’s also at the core of our “Uniting in Heart” diocese and pastorate plans -- be one in the heart of Jesus Christ and embrace His call for us to be His disciples.
St. Tom’s plan for HOW we love one another and grow as a faith community over the next three years is being guided by six Pastorate Planning Teams (PPT). Appointed in December, the student and resident parishioner Teams have been prayerfully discerning and collaborating this semester to put actions to our pastorate plan framework. Over the summer, each PPT will share more about these actions, and by fall, you will begin to experience them.
As the staff liaison for the Justice with Peace (JwP) Team, I am pleased to share the first Team report. Our JwP Team includes Liz Droege, resident co-chair; Allen Langdon, student co-chair and members Evan Apsley, Teresa Cecil, John Ginda, Alice Hession, Fr. Luan Pho, and Jane Sellers.
Through your feedback and the Team’s discernment, work for this group has focused on:
Creating an official inventory and assessment of St. Tom’s JwP ministries
Increasing parishioners’ understanding of the Church’s position on social order (Catholic Social Teachings)
Facilitating parishioner engagement with JwP ministries.
St. Tom’s JwP Ministries
Despite limits imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic over the last two years, St. Tom’s has a still active but smaller cohort of student and resident parishioners providing outreach/works of mercy through 15 JwP ministries and five external organizations that assist the underserved in our community and beyond. Only one JwP ministry has become completely inactive during the pandemic. In its assessment, the JwP Team made six observations and recommendations about St. Tom’s JwP ministries:
It is vital to do an annual inventory of these ministries to ensure they remain active and supported.
There is a lack of and a need for a JwP ministry focused on the core Catholic Social Teaching theme - “Care For God’s Creation.”
St. Tom’s needs to revitalize our parish commitment to the elderly and youth in our community with the pandemic’s peak behind us.
There is the benefit of continuity and a stronger community when JwP ministries include both resident and student parishioner members.
We need to inform parishioners about legislative issues that are misaligned with Catholic Social Teachings.
If the budget allows and the parish desires it, a designated staff position to coordinate JwP ministries (a position that previously existed at St. Tom’s a decade or more ago) would strengthen community partnerships, improve parishioner awareness and understanding of Catholic Social Teachings, and increase activity and impact.
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) / JWP Ministries
Catholic Social Teaching (CST) reveals the Church’s position on social order with the common good at its core. St. Tom’s will bring light to the Church’s seven CST themes by featuring one each month during the 2022-23 academic year. St. Tom’s ministries and activities and its community partnerships that are centered on the monthly theme will be highlighted and relevant topics woven into existing programs like Theology on Tap, OCIA, and Religious Education. To offer parishioners an opportunity to learn more about JwP ministries and all of St. Tom’s many opportunities to serve, an All-Parish Ministry Fair will occur during the Blockbuster Weekend’s parish picnic on Sunday, August 28.
The CST themes by month for 2022-23 include:
September: SOLIDARITY (One family pursuing justice & peace)
Topic: Immigration – Catholic National Migration Week and World Day for Migrants and Refugees.
October: CALL TO FAMILY, COMMUNITY, AND PARTICIPATION (Seeking together the common good and well-being of all).
Topic: Mental Health – World Mental Health Day(10/10/22)
Topic: Our Senior Citizens – National Family Caregivers Month and National Home Care and Hospice Month
December: OPTION FOR THE POOR AND VULNERABLE (Putting the needs of the poor and vulnerable first)
Topic: Giving – our time, talent, and treasure
Topic: The Unborn – Respect Life Month and National Prayer Vigil for Life (01/23-01/24/2022)
February: RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES (Upholding and defending human dignity in the social, economic, and political spheres)
Topic: Racial Equality -- Black History Month and World Day of Social Justice (02/20/2023)
Topic: Gender Equality – Women’s History Month
Topic: Preservation of Our Planet - Earth Day (04/22/2023)
Our JwP Team will share much more at the Ministry Fair on August 28 and in the months ahead! We pray that you are feeling Jesus’ love and the call to be His hands and feet.