The CHILDCARE MINISTRY provides childcare for our New Parishioner Welcome Receptions while their parents attend the reception. We continue to need people to support these quarterly events.
Everyone's relationship with Jesus is different. Regardless of where we find ourselves, St. Tom’s has pathways for all to connect with one another and discover and deepen our relationships with Jesus Christ. Learn more.
A recent change in Purdue's email security settings is sending St. Tom's electronic communications, including our Flocknote emails, to the Junk folder of our parishioners using their '' email account. To continue receiving our messages, be sure to check your Junk folder and add '' to your contacts.
A gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal (CMA) supports the Diocese of Lafayette-in-Indiana in many ways, including seminarian support, clergy support, local Catholic schools, college ministries (like St. Tom's), Hispanic ministry, and much more. As of July, we have not fulfilled our 2023 pledge goal of $138,230, and only 68 percent of the pledges made have been paid (compared to 93 percent paid in 2022 at this same time). If you haven't had a chance to pledge yet or would like to make a payment, please visit the CMA Website.
Spurred by a 2019 Pew Research study that suggests only one-third of U.S. Catholics believe the Church's teaching that the Eucharist is truly the body and blood of Christ, the National Eucharistic Revival was launched. Read more
St. Tom's is seeking an individual who enjoys building relationships, is strategically driven, and is passionate about their faith and about the mission of St. Tom's to serve as its Director of Development.
To safeguard parking spaces for St. Tom’s resident parishioners and guests on weekdays between 7:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. the following changes to our parking policy went into effect on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. Read more.
What is Dining Disciples? Dining Disciples is an opportunity on a monthly basis to gather in homes to share a meal and discuss a topic of faith. A group is forming now for a gathering on August 11. Email if you would like to participate.
Death is a certainty. Make your preparations NOW to leave this life with no regrets. It's never too early or too late. Hosted by the Men of St. Tom's (MoST), this workshop series (presented in May/June 2023) will prepare you and help your loved ones with the worldly implications of your departure.
St. Tom's seeks to be inclusive of all parishioners. An online survey will assess our community's need for ASL to be potentially offered at weekend Mass. Your input would be greatly appreciated. Click the headline to access the link to complete the survey. Thank you for your participation!
Bishop Doherty is grateful to all who have prayed for the Diocese during this difficult time of fewer priests available for ministry. At this moment, there are vacancies for priests in four pastorates. In the last several months, Bishop Doherty has gathered with the Diocese priests, along with his staff members, to discern a path forward. It is apparent that the current reality is not sustainable; changes must be made.
Thirty-nine student and resident parishioners, clergy, and staff members will travel on state-side mission trips over spring break from March 13 to 18. To help defray trip costs, your contributions are greatly appreciated. Pick up an envelope from the yellow bus display in the Gather Space and drop off your donation in the collection basket or at the Parish Office or make your donation through Faith Direct.
Due to an “All Diocese Pastors and Priests” meeting called by Bishop Doherty for Tuesday, Jan. 13 to Thursday, Jan. 15, there will be no confessions or daily Mass Tuesday afternoon through Thursday of next week. A communion service will take place at 11:30 a.m. on Wednesday and Thursday.
Losing weight after holiday indulgences will be a self-improvement goal for many of us in 2023. But is our faith, our relationship with Christ, among our New Year's Resolutions too? Read more!
Meet fellow parishioners while exploring your beliefs through Sycamore, an informal course about the Christian faith and its relevance for life today. The seven once-a-week sessions take place on Thursdays from 6:00 to 7:45 p.m. in Newman Hall starting January 26. Each session begins with dinner, followed by a short video and small group discussions.
Are you seeking a few minutes of peace and quiet in your life? Thinking about how to build a closer relationship with our Lord and faith community? Join others (in the comfort of your own dorm, apartment, or home) for 15 minutes of prayer and fellowship on weekday mornings at 7:30 a.m. Note: Morning Prayer will commence from December 26 to January 2 and resume on Tuesday morning, Jan. 3, 2023.
Destress, relax, and ease your mind by visiting the new St. Dymphna Mental Health Resource Area in the lower level of Newman Hall (adjacent to the restrooms). All St. Tom's parishioners and visitors are encouraged to visit and use the area's resources.
St. Tom’s will host a Town Hall Meeting in Newman Hall on Thursday, Nov. 17, from 6:00 to 7:30 pm, All parishioners are invited to learn more about St Tom’s finances, facilities, Uniting in Heart plan, and fundraising. Our Pastor and parish finance council members, development team, facilities team, and others will be present to answer your questions.